Friday, 27 February 2015

Five Essential checks prior Unlocking your Phone

Sometimes making the appropriate checks may seem tedious, but in most cases are really useful to avoid misunderstandings or loss of time and money.

Here we leave the five most important checks to make sure your phone or tablet is in optimal conditions to be network unlocked

Warning! Watch Out!
The key to avoid any problems are very simple, so don't worry and be happy!

1. Check that your phone is not already unlocked. Although you have not unlocked your phone before, it might be the case that the previous phone owner has done it  or simply the phone was already factory unlocked.

Try entering a SIM card from a different service provider. If you can use it with no issues, then your device is unlocked.

2. UnlockCode4U do not unlock phones with blacklisted IMEI (reported loss, theft or with pending bills with the original carrier network). Such locks are additional security mechanisms that must be removed by the network provider and the original owner of the phone.

To check if your device's IMEI is blacklisted by requesting your IMEI Report or contact the original carrier network.

3. Correct data? Make sure the country and service provider you enter into the code request are  instructions for the release function. For iPhones we offer the only solution that allows you to find the original phone operator - iPhone Checker.

It is also very important to provide us with the correct IMEI number of the phone. You can get it by pressing * # 06 # on the keypad of the phone.

4. The original software of your phone cannot be modified and any iPhone jailbreak must be removed from device for the unlocking instructions to work correctly. If you need assistance do not hesitate to contact Contact Us.

5. It is necessary that both the software and hardware are in good condition. Remember, to unlock the phone you should be able to access menus and keyboard.

Ready! If you still have any doubts, feel free to contact us with your queries. You can contact our Customer Service Team, chat with us or write on any our social networks sites.

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You help us to help and we help you: Free Phone Unlocking
NEW! Want to find out if your phone is blacklisted? IMEI checker
NEW! Do you know the Status, Network, of you iPhone? iPhone checker 

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